
Task 1: Calculate Star Radius for Kepler 62

This is the equation for calculating the radius of a star.
equation for the radius of the host star divided by the radius of our star the sun equals the square roots of the luminosity of the host star divided by the temperature of the host star divided by the temperature of our star the sun to the fourth power.
image of a scientist

Look confusing? Don’t worry, you don’t have to do this math by hand! Input your numbers into the google sheet as directed below and the equations will be automatically calculated for you.

We will be calculating the radius of the host star in units of solar radii.
Image of a sun and the symbol ⵙ
Solar Radii
= Rⵙ
A unit of length equal
to the radius of our star
the Sun
Astronomers use
this symbol to
our sun! ⵙ
Using the Host Star Data Table, input the value for luminosity of Kepler 62 in cell B2, temperature of Kepler 62 in cell B3, as well as the temperature of the Sun in cell B4 of the Google Sheet.

The google sheet support

The Google Sheet will calculate the radius of the star automatically for you in cell B5.

You will share the host star radius with the following team:

If the Radius team has already requested the host star radius, send it in the chat now. If the Radius team has not yet sent a request, be prepared to send the information when the request arrives.

The Planet Radius team needs the radius of the star to complete their calculations. If you have already received a request from the Radius team, send the following message in the chat:
“Host Star team to Radius team. The radius of the star is ____ solar radii.” (Fill in the blank with the radius of Kepler 62 in solar radii from cell B5.)
image for instructions for sending messages in the chat feature in Zoom. 1. Copy and paste the message from your task card to the chat. 2. Hit enter to send the message. 3. Unmute yoursself and read the message out loud to ensure that it is received. Make sure the message is being send to 'everyone'
If you have not yet received a request for the star radius from the Radius team, continue working through the task card and send the information once it is requested.
image of a scientist
Excellent work! Your calculations were critical in helping the Radius team complete their task card. You are ready to find another important characteristic of your host star – the mass!