
Importance of Host Star Data

Importance of Host Star Data

Finding the characteristics of your exoplanet’s host star is critical for your team as a whole. With the host star data you provide your team, your team members will be able to calculate a variety of characteristics about your exoplanet. Most importantly, you will be able to determine your star’s habitable zone, which will help you figure out if your exoplanet could support life. Each piece of data will lead you to the next step. Your findings will allow your team to create a strong and compelling observation request to the James Webb Space Telescope.

Planet Mass
Planet Radius
Planet Period
Host Star Data
Planet Volume
Star Radius &
Planet Density
Distance From Star
Planet Composition
In The Habitable Zone?
Could This Planet Support Life?
Your job is to determine key characteristics of the star Kepler 62. Please watch the following video to learn more about host star data.
Complete the following checkpoint based on the video.

Host Star Research Background Checkpoint

You will also be using many different units throughout your calculations. Review the following image for an outline of some of the units you will be using. Using Earth and Solar units help scientists visualize exoplanets and their host stars more easily. Try picturing a host star with a mass of about 432,690 miles. Now try picturing a host star with a radius close to that of our Sun. Which one is easier to imagine?
Earth Units
Units based on the characteristics
of our planet Earth
We use Earth units to express
other planets'
- mass
- radius
- period
Astronomers use this symbol to
represent Earth!

Solar Units
Units based on the characteristics
of our star the sun
We use Solar units to express
other stars'
- mass
- radius
Astronomers use this symbol to
represent the sun!
The temperature of the stars will be measured in Kelvin.
Image of a thermometer 
Kelvin = K
A unit of temperature equal to
1.8 degrees Fahrenheit

Image of a water drop.
Water boils at 373K and
freezes at 273K
image of a scientist
Great work! You’ve completed all the necessary background research about host star data. It’s time to put what you’ve learned into practice.