
Task 2: Calculate Star Mass for Kepler 62

This is the equation for calculating the mass of a star.
the mass of the host star equals the lumonisty of the host star divided by the luminosity of our star the sun to the one fourth power.
Using the Host Star Data Table, input the luminosity of Kepler 62 into cell B2 of the Google Sheet. The Google Sheet will calculate the mass of the star automatically in units of solar mass in the cell B3.

What are solar masses?

image of a sun.
Solar Mass
A unit of mass equal
to the mass of our star
the Sun
Astronomers use
this symbol to
our sun!

You will share the host star mass with the following teams:

If the Period or Mass teams have already requested the host star mass, send it in the chat now. If a team has not yet sent a request, be prepared to send the information when the request arrives.

The Mass team needs the mass of the star to complete their calculations. If you have already received a message from the Mass team requesting the star mass, send the following message in the chat now. Click here for instructions on how to send messages.

“Host Star team to Mass team. The mass of the star is ______ solar masses.”

(Fill in the blank with the mass of Kepler 62 in solar masses from cell B3 of the Google Sheet.)

If you have not yet received a message from the Mass team requesting the star mass, continue working through the task card, and return to this section once you have received the request.

The Period team also needs the mass of the star to complete their calculations.
If you have already received a message from the Period team requesting the star mass, send the following message in the chat.

“Host Star team to Period team. The mass of the star is ______ solar masses.”

(Fill in the blank with the mass of Kepler 62 in solar masses from cell B3 in the Google Sheet.)

If you have not yet received a message from the Period team requesting the star mass, continue working through the task card and return to this section once you have received the request.
Complete the following checkpoint to investigate the relationship between the star radius, star mass, and other features of the star.

Host Star Data Checkpoint

Planet Mass
Planet Radius
Planet Period
Host Star Data
Planet Volume
Star Radius &
Planet Density
Distance From Star
Planet Composition
In The Habitable Zone?
Could This Planet Support Life?
image of a scientist
Thanks to your hard work, the Period and Mass teams will be able to complete their calculations. You’re ready to move on and find the habitable zone for your host star.